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Dr. Druanna Wails
May 22, 20241 min read
Was Enki Lucifer? Did the Anunnaki Create the Civilization and realm known as Earth/ Atlantis? Where did the Banking Cartel come from?
#foreigntrust #billionaire #usa #1927 #corporation #america #usa #history #anunnaki #atlantis #religion #truth #billycarson #lucifer...
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Dr. Druanna Wails
Apr 16, 20241 min read
Lucifer is NOT Satan!
#satan #Lucifer #bible #christianity #jesuschrist #truth Did you know that Lucifer is NOT Satan? That the Church mixed the two together...
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Dr. Druanna Wails
Mar 17, 20241 min read
How Lucifer and Jesus are seen as the Morning star!
#lucifer #morningstar #truth #greekmythology I read an interesting article pertaining to exactly this. It explains who Lucifer was...
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